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  1. Pricing and hedging of decentralised lending contracts (with Lukasz Szpruch, Marc Sabaté Vidales, and Tanut Treetanthiploet)
    Submitted (2024) [Preprint]
  2. Continuous-time dynamic decision making with costly information (with Christoph Knochenhauer and Alexander Merkel)
    Submitted (2024) [Preprint]
  3. Entropy annealing for policy mirror descent in continuous time and space (with Deven Sethi and David Siska)
    Revision at SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (2024) [Preprint]
  4. ε-policy gradient for online pricing (with Tanut Treetanthiploet and Lukasz Szpruch)
    Revision at Applied Mathematics and Optimization (2024) [Preprint]
  5. An α-potential game framework for N-player dynamic games (with Xin Guo and Xinyu Li)
    Revision at SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (2024) [Preprint]
  6. Mirror descent for stochastic control problems with measure-valued controls (with Bekzhan Kerimkulov, David Siska and Lukasz Szpruch)
    Submitted (2024) [Preprint]
  7. A Fisher-Rao gradient flow for entropy-regularised Markov decision processes in Polish spaces (with Bekzhan Kerimkulov, James-Michael Leahy, David Siska and Lukasz Szpruch)
    Revision at Foundations of Computational Mathematics (2023) [Preprint]
  8. An offline learning approach to propagator models (with Eyal Neuman and Wolfgang Stockinger)
    Revision at Mathematical Finance (2023) [Preprint] [Colab Notebook]
  9. Optimal regularity of extended mean field controls and their piecewise constant approximation (with Christoph Reisinger and Wolfgang Stockinger) (2020) [Preprint]

Journal publications

  1. Statistical learning with sublinear regret of propagator models (with Eyal Neuman)
    The Annals of Applied Probability, forthcoming (2025) [Preprint]
  2. Towards an analytical framework for dynamic potential games (with Xin Guo)
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, forthcoming (2024) [Preprint]
  3. A fast iterative PDE-based algorithm for feedback controls of nonsmooth mean-field control problems (with Christoph Reisinger and Wolfgang Stockinger)
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 46 (2024), pp. A2737-A2773 [pdf] [Preprint]
  4. Exploration-exploitation trade-off for continuous-time episodic reinforcement learning with linear-convex models (with Lukasz Szpruch and Tanut Treetanthiploet)
    The Annals of Applied Probability, forthcoming (2024) [Preprint]
  5. Convergence of policy gradient methods for finite-horizon stochastic linear-quadratic control problems (with Michael Giegrich and Christoph Reisinger)
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 62 (2024),  pp. 1060-1092 [pdf] [Preprint]
  6. Optimal scheduling of entropy regulariser for continuous-time linear-quadratic reinforcement learning (with Lukasz Szpruch and Tanut Treetanthiploet)
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 62 (2024), pp. 135-166 [pdf] [Preprint]
  7. Linear convergence of a policy gradient method for some finite horizon continuous time control problems (with Christoph Reisinger and Wolfgang Stockinger)
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 61 (2023), pp. 3526-3558 [pdf] [Preprint]
  8. A posteriori error estimates for fully coupled McKean-Vlasov forward-backward SDEs (with Christoph Reisinger and Wolfgang Stockinger)
    IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, online first, 2023 [pdf] [Preprint]
  9. Reinforcement learning for linear-convex models with jumps via stability analysis of feedback controls (with Xin Guo and Anran Hu)
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 61 (2023), pp. 755-787 [pdf] [Preprint]
  10. Logarithmic regret for episodic continuous-time linear-quadratic reinforcement learning over a finite-time horizon (with Matteo Basei, Xin Guo and Anran Hu) 
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23 (2022), pp. 1–34  [pdf] [Preprint]
  11. Regularity and stability of feedback relaxed controls (with Christoph Reisinger)
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 59 (2021), pp. 3118–3151 [pdf] [Preprint]
  12. A penalty scheme and policy iteration for non-local HJB variational inequalities with monotone drivers (with Christoph Reisinger)
    Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 93 (2021), pp. 199-213 [pdf] [Preprint]
  13. Rectified deep neural networks overcome the curse of dimensionality for nonsmooth value functions in zero-sum games of nonlinear stiff systems (with Christoph Reisinger)
    Analysis and Applications, 18 (2020), pp. 951-999 [Preprint]
  14. A neural network based policy iteration algorithm with global $H^2$-superlinear convergence for stochastic games on domains (with Kazufumi Ito and Christoph Reisinger)
    Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 21 (2021), pp. 331–374 [pdf]
  15. Error estimates of penalty schemes for quasi-variational inequalities arising from impulse control problems (with Christoph Reisinger)
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 58 (2020), pp. 243-276 [pdf]
  16. A penalty scheme for monotone systems with interconnected obstacles: convergence and error estimates (with Christoph Reisinger)
    SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 57 (2019), pp. 1625-1648 [pdf]
  17. Approximation schemes for mixed optimal stopping and control problems with nonlinear expectations and jumps (with Roxana Dumitrescu and Christoph Reisinger)
    Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 83 (2021), pp. 1387–1429 [pdf]

Conference publications

  1. Understanding Deep Architectures with Reasoning Layer (with Xinshi Chen, Christoph Reisinger and Le Song)
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020. [Preprint]

Technical Reports

  1. Insurance pricing on price comparison websites via reinforcement learning (with Tanut Treetanthiploet, Lukasz Szpruch, Isaac Bowers-Barnard, Henrietta Ridley, James Hickey and Chris Pearce) (2023) [Preprint]
  2. Path regularity of coupled McKean-Vlasov FBSDEs (with Christoph Reisinger and Wolfgang Stockinger) (2020) [Preprint]
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South Kensington Campus

Mail: Department of Mathematics
180 Queen's Gate
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London

Refereed conference publications